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Rau Environmental Services LLC

Who are we?

Jed became interested in home energy audits from the conservation side of things. Having worked for government agencies helping to spend taxpayer money to clean up forests, farms, wetlands and watersheds, Jed realized that a big piece of the environmental conservation picture was missing: homes and offices! At the same time he was recognizing urban and suburban areas as some of the biggest watershed polluters, Jed and Ruth bought their first home. Their energy bills that first winter in their 1951 house were much higher than expected and led the pair on a quest to save some money by insulating and sealing air leaks. Sounds simple enough, right? With Ruth? knowledge of building science and common weatherization techniques, they were able to begin the process of making their home more energy efficient. They realized quickly, however, that the typical homeowner (one without an architectural background or a conservation background) would probably have no idea where to start looking for energy savings. Thus, Rau Environmental Services, LLC was born out of a desire to provide a service to other homeowners looking to save on their energy bills. Jed and Ruth are committed to helping homeowners save money on their energy bills and helping builders, developers and designers build energy efficient homes and offices.